Why Use Videos?

If you do marketing for local businesses, video needs to be a part of your services.  Video can drive traffic better than any other kind of content!

87% of consumers have said they watched a video online before making a buying decision.  

70% of marketing professionals said that video converted better than other content

Including video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%!

80% of consumers can recall a video ad they have seen in the previous month

Why Use Videos For Lawyers?

Law firms can actually benefit from video more than most businesses.  Why?  Because lawyers have a couple of unique situations.

1.  People usually don't hire a lawyer until something happens (a car crash, they are arrested, etc.).  So being 'top of mind' is VITAL, so having videos can improve that mindshare.

2. Most lawyers have a VERY high ROI.  An injury attorney could bring in 1 case that is worth millions.  On the lower-end, each client is still worth thousands.

3.  Unlike many businesses, lawyers are often used to using video as a marketing tool, and have likely done television ads for years.  They understand the value

4.  Lawyers have the budgets to spend on marketing with videos.

How Can I Benefit From Lawyer Videos?

Video marketing for lawyers can be a very lucrative business.  

With these ready to use videos, you can sell them directly to lawyers for $300-500 each, with just some minor customization.

If you use them to provide a video marketing service, where you manage their YouTube channel, video distribution and video SEO, you can be charging $500-1000 per month.

If you add in a YouTube Ad service, you can charge an additional $1000-2000 per month management fee for running and reporting on their video ads.

These videos can also be a great foot-in-the-door to offer video production and other marketing services

Benefits of Video Marketing

Small businesses used to be at a disadvantage when it came to video marketing. The barriers to entry were just too steep. Fortunately, in today’s marketing landscape, producing video content now provides more benefits than drawbacks. Below are some of the main benefits of video marketing for small business.

Improve Search Engine Ranking

We’re very drawn to video and will stick around to see how it plays out. While this is great for your engagement and conversion, it’s also good for how search engines evaluate your site.

Google uses time on site to help determine whether you are providing what visitors are looking for when they search for a particular term or phrase. When they hang out on your site watching a video, Google (correctly) interprets that as you providing the valuable information they a visitor wants. This can help you move up in search result rankings.

Enhance Your Mobile Marketing

Mobile continues to grow as the main method of accessing information online. With better technology and increased bandwidth, video is now fit for mobile marketing. Video content on a mobile device is generally viewed full screen, so you can know that your audience is getting the full experience. If being viewed on a desktop, your video can still be effective because even if users aren’t completely tuned in visually, the audio component can still deliver your message.

Convey Information More Efficiently

When you’re trying to find out more about a product or service, you want the details quickly, in an easy-to-process presentation. Video is an excellent way to communicate with your potential customers. In just a few seconds, you can grab their attention, explain what your business is about and why they should care. Can you do that it in writing? Sure, but you can do it faster and more memorably in a quick video.

Excellent Return on Investment (ROI)

Video marketing isn’t just about intangible benefits. It can lead to significant financial payoff. By adding an explainer video to your landing page, you can increase sales (as much as 80% according to some studies). Thanks to modern technology, producing effective videos no longer requires a substantial line in your marketing budget.

You can make decent videos with your phone and a little bit of planning. Customers aren’t expecting blockbuster production quality from their online videos. In fact, they prefer simple clipsthat do a solid job of explaining a product or service rather than a polished, high-budget production that doesn’t tell them much.

Increased Ad Effectiveness with Video

It’s too easy for your audience to scroll right by your banner or sidebar ad, and these elements tend to blend in after a while. Videos on the other hand, grab our attention. Video ads can captivate your audience and allow you to accomplish quite a bit in a shorter period of time, bringing more visitors to your site and priming them for purchase.

While video marketing has been around since television was invented, online video has now become available for small businesses to market their business and level the playing field. Video content continues to grow, and it shows no sign of slowing down, so get started with your first video today!

Check Out The Legal Videos

Truck Accident Lawyer

Divorce Attorney 

Tax Attorney

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Probate Lawyer

Patent And Trademark Attorney

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyer

Immigration Attorney

DUI Lawyer

And They Don't Just Get The Videos!

When your list purchase videos from us, we want to see them SUCCEED with the videos.  This is why they also get...

Full Training On Using The Videos

Our videos are made to be used with very little work on your part.  However, you will want to add YOUR name and contact info to the video.  We provide the training to do this, and even a video editing tool!

A Video Editor

That's right, no need to spend $600 on a video editing program, we have one that is super-powerful and will cost you nothing!  Plus, we show how to use it!

A Facebook Mastermind & Support Group

To make sure you can get help with questions anytime, we have a Facebook group for local business owners looking for video or marketing answers!

Extra Stock Graphics Videos & Music

Want to change the music, or add different images, videos or graphics?  We throw in a variety of music and media so you can customize as much as you like!

So, Let's Recap What Your List Will Get...

12 Legal Marketing Videos

Training On Using The Videos

Training on Selling The Videos

The FB Mastermind Group

A Video Editor

Extra Video Tools (Music, etc.)

Lawyer Marketing Graphics









Total Value:  $2088

©2019 Lawyer Marketing Videos  •  801.821.0802

Grab BIG Commissions By Providing Your List With A Quality Local Marketing Program That Will Get Them High Paying Lawyer Clients!

Bankruptcy Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyer

Lawyer Marketing Graphics!

Want to add a YouTube channel banner to your client's channel?  We have a lawyer themed graphic set that includes Channel Art, thumbnail templates and lower third graphics!



A collection of Lawyer Marketing Videos, and video marketing training in one easy to use and easy to sell service for marketing consultants.

The Funnel!

The Contest!

1st Place:       $500

2nd Place:      $300

3rd Place:       $100

Contest start:  Dec 21 at 11:00 AM

Contest End:  Jan 2 at 11:59 PM

*Minimum is only 10 sales, but commissions must be as much or more than the prize, or the prize will be adjusted to match

12 Ready to use videos along with training and extra video editing media

12 raw green screen videos for ultimate customization.  Also comes with training on how to use green screen

10 Ready to use videos a in the dental niche, along with training and extra video editing media

Preview Pages


This is LIVE NOW and ends on Jan. 2nd at 11:59 PM



Our Instant spokesperson club.  this has 267 videos, all with the green screen versions, in one place!


10 raw green screen videos for ultimate customization.  Also comes with training on how to use green screen

